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So today a customer has made several separate orders.
PP has combined them into one
I use On Demand labels to buy my shipping labels directly from Amazon Buy Shipping
So on Amazon I have separate orders but I am only buying 1 shipping label. How will this work? Will all the orders automatically goto Shipped on Amazon? Will I have to manually mark some of them Shipped or add in the tracking details? Or is the whole process automatic?
Thanks for the post.
As you say, if enabled, Packing Partner will combine orders from the same buyer. If buying labels using Amazon Buy Shipping, the first order in the group will be used to purchase the label, and will subsequently be auto-shipped by Amazon.
The other orders in the group will be marked shipped on Amazon when you despatch with Packing Partner. The tracking number will be added to those orders as well.
In terms of VTR, if you choose to combine Amazon sales, only the first order will be considered automatically valid (in VTR terms). The other orders will be subject to usual tests. For example if it's Royal Mail untracked the package must receive a delivery scan to be considered valid.
If preferred you can uncombine orders on an ad hoc basis (right click menu) or it can be disabled altogether in options.
Ahh ok thanks.
Its actually rare I get multiple orders like this. More often than not customers add to basket then obviously the order comes through as being several items and not several different orders each of 1 item.
So for me I think I will let PP combine as it saves me the extra postage cost - as the occurrence is rare it will hardly effect my VTR rate as its usually at 100% because I am buying labels from Amazon.