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#1 29-04-2014 10:58 am


HTML Invoice Template for Channel Advisor

HTML Invoice Template for Channel Advisor

To collect records from ChannelAdvisor, you need to change the HTML in the Line Item HTML Template.

In your ChannelAdvisor account go to Sales>Settings>Invoice Template
For Non UK channels, you will also need to copy the Invoice HTML Template from a UK one.
Paste the HTML code in the box below, into the Line Item HTML Template

<tr bgcolor={{ROWCOLOR}} align=center>
 <td image='{{IMAGE(ITEMIMAGEURL1)}}'>{{ITEMSKU}}</td>
<br>Weight: {{ITEMWEIGHT}}
<br>Gift Message: {{ITEMGIFTMESSAGE}}
 <td align=right>{{ITEMPRICE}}</td>
 <td align=right>{{ITEMSUBTOTALAMOUNT}}</td>

Adding Item Attributes (variations)
At the end of the variation line (if it reads Attributes, change it to Variation) in the template add all the attributes you use by selecting them from the drop down at the top of the invoice template page. e.g.

<br>Variation: {{COLOUR}}{{SIZE}}

Once you have entered this HTML code, save the invoice template. You should then be able to collect your orders into Packing Partner.
You can also add other attributes to the code field:

<br>Code: {{ATTRIBUTE_NAME}}



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